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From art to cyber security, from biology to the classics, the University of Dallas offers a wide variety of rigorous academic programs for undergraduate and graduate students seeking a liberal education.

showing 8 out of 82 results



Accounting, Concentration

In Person

The accounting concentration is designed for undergraduate students who want to have additional training in accounting but do not want to sit for the CPA exam. Students will declare the concentration in their junior year and will complete an additional 13-19 credits of coursework.

Program Details


Accounting, 4+1

In Person

The 4+1 program allows students to complete both a BA and MS in Accounting in as little as five years. Students apply for the 4+1 program in their junior/senior year and can take graduate level courses while completing their BA.

Program Details


Accounting, MS

In Person

The Master of Science in accounting at the University of Dallas provides accounting professionals with the foundation necessary to excel in today’s financial environment. Upon graduation, students are prepared to sit for the CPA exam and begin a career in public accounting in a variety of roles.

Program Details

Alternative Teacher Certification


Alternative Teacher Certification, Certificate

In Person

The Department of Education offers an Alternative Teacher Certification Program to individuals who are seeking Texas State Certification but have already earned a baccalaureate or higher degree. This route is great for current teachers who need to get certified or for post-baccalaureate candidates looking to make a career change.

Program Details

American Politics


American Politics, Concentration

In Person

The general study of politics at the University of Dallas begins with political principles and examines the real political processes of modern governments. The concentration in American politics allows students to craft a course of study in which they can investigate the development of American political principles and institutions from the colonial period to the present day.

Program Details

American Studies


American Studies, MA

In Person

With the American studies degree, students can customize a program of study integrating American literature, politics and history while investigating the authentic understanding of human nature, political order and justice shared by America’s founders. Gain distinctive preparation for a career in teaching, public policy or research.

Program Details

Anthropology and Sociology


Anthropology and Sociology, Concentration

In Person

The aim of the anthropology and sociology concentration (formerly, human and social sciences) is to cultivate in students a productive, philosophically- and historically-informed understanding of the world.

Program Details

Applied Mathematics


Applied Mathematics, Concentration

In Person

Applied mathematics explores the pure mathematical principles that undergird subjects of interest to other disciplines. The concentration includes a series of mathematics courses, an elective in applied mathematics or computer science, and an elective in another field.

Program Details

Applied Physics


Applied Physics, Concentration

In Person

The concentration in applied physics combines coursework in subdisciplines of physics with an elective from another field, such as chemistry, philosophy or mathematics. A student who seeks secondary certification with a science composite would find the applied physics concentration useful in fulfilling certification requirements.

Program Details


Area of Interest

Art, Department & Faculty

In Person

Within the art major, the five areas offered are art history, ceramics, painting, printmaking and sculpture. The undergraduate and graduate programs in studio art seek to provide the self-motivated student with the tools needed to meet the demands required of the professional working artist. Intense study, intellectual examination and historical understanding, combined with the vast creative offerings in Dallas/Fort Worth, prepare the student for a career as a professional artist.

Program Details

Art History


Art History, BA

In Person

Art history draws on direct study of artworks experienced in the studio, gallery, museum and the Rome Program to enhance the student’s understanding of the history of art. Art history majors must pass a comprehensive exam, organize a faculty committee, participate in senior reviews and complete an oral examination.

Program Details


Art History, Concentration

In Person

The Art History Concentration provides a coherent set of experiences for students interested in pursuing this area short of a major. It requires 18/19 credits, including five art history courses, at least four advanced courses, one advanced studio course, and one credit of Art Gallery Practicum. Art history draws on direct study of artworks experienced in the studio, gallery, museum and the Rome Program to enhance the student’s understanding of the history of art.

Program Details

Biblical Greek


Biblical Greek, Concentration

In Person

The concentration in biblical Greek prepares students for unmediated study of the New Testament and the Church Fathers. Offered by the Department of Classics, the concentration comprises coursework in patristic Greek and Scripture.

Program Details



Biochemistry, BS

In Person

The BS in Biochemistry explores the properties, composition and behavior of substances at the atomic and molecular levels. Laboratory experiences allow students to directly observe and create the chemical phenomena discussed in lectures, introduce them to state-of-the-art instrumentation, and prepare them to design and propose their own research ideas. The skills developed in lecture and lab courses prepare students for undergraduate research. The unique combination of courses in physical and life sciences equips students with problem solving skills to understand the natural world and prepares them for diverse careers in medicine, research, industry, education, and beyond. Some examples of the scope of biochemistry applications include: a molecular understanding of life; pharmaceutical drug design; biomedical engineering; analyses of foods and pesticides; photochemistry; and the study of environmental hazards.

Program Details


Area of Interest

Biology, Department & Faculty

In Person

Through observation and experiments, biologists gain an understanding of the nature and functions of the living world, integrating this knowledge with the aid of chemistry, physics and mathematics. Students at the University of Dallas explore biology through an active learning process that incorporates hands-on experience in the laboratory and field.

Program Details


Biology, BA

In Person

The Bachelor of Arts in Biology requires completion of the Biology Core which includes General Biology in combination with selected chemistry, physics and mathematics courses that will serve as a foundation for further study in the Department. A minimum of 22 credits of course work in Biology must be completed, in addition to General Biology I and II (8 credits). (Up to six research/internship credits may be used to satisfy this requirement.)

Program Details


Biology, BS

In Person

The Bachelor of Science in Biology requires completion of the Biology Core which includes General Biology in combination with selected chemistry, physics and mathematics courses that will serve as a foundation for further study in the Department. A minimum of 22 credits of course work in Biology must be completed, in addition to General Biology I and II (8 credits).

Program Details

Biomedical Engineering


Biomedical Engineering, 4+1

In Person

Biology or Physics B.S. students at the University of Dallas can get a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering within a year at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) by taking three graduate courses (9 credits) offered by UTA during their undergraduate career at University of Dallas, then subsequently taking seven graduate courses at UTA. It is possible for a UD student to complete all the credits at UTA leading to a Master of Science degree in biomedical engineering within a year.

Program Details



Biopsychology, Concentration

In Person

As an interdisciplinary subject, biopsychology elucidates the connections between the organization of the nervous system and behavior that enable us to see how individuals engage the world. The concentration addresses the fields of psychology and biology as complementary disciplines that are both enhanced when combined.

Program Details



Business, BA

In Person

Grounded in the liberal arts, undergraduate business programs at the University of Dallas prepare students to become both better leaders and lifelong learners, with an emphasis on critical thinking that prepares students to excel in any career.

Program Details


Business, BS

In Person

Grounded in the liberal arts, undergraduate business programs at the University of Dallas prepare students to become both better leaders and lifelong learners, with an emphasis on critical thinking that prepares students to excel in any career.

Program Details


Business, Concentration

In Person

The Business Administration concentration offers an opportunity for non-business majors to study business in addition to their major program of study. It allows the non-business student to gain a broad understanding of the field of business and prepares students for business-related issues that will arise as a facet of their chosen careers. The curriculum draws on the strengths of the college through a series of business core courses.

Program Details

Business Administration


Business Administration, 4+1

In Person

Grounded in the liberal arts, undergraduate business programs at the University of Dallas prepare students to become both better leaders and lifelong learners, with an emphasis on critical thinking that prepares students to excel in any career.

Program Details


Business Administration, MBA


The University of Dallas’ graduate business administration programs provide students with the necessary skills to conquer today’s business challenges. Students learn proven, practical methods that can be immediately applied to the workplace and will prepare them to lead organizations forward.

Program Details


Business Administration, DBA

In Person

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a rigorous research-based program that will prepare proven business professionals to expand their breadth of knowledge and abilities in leadership, innovation and customer engagement. The 62-credit-hour program has been designed to equip students to apply evidence-based solutions to the challenges presented by the dynamic complexity of the contemporary global economy.

Program Details

Business Analytics


Business Analytics, MS

In Person

The Master of Science in business analytics at the University of Dallas prepares you to influence strategy, processes and decision-making by exploring relationships through data analysis. Learn the technical skills for deriving meaning from big data, as well as the ability to effectively communicate results to key stakeholders.

Program Details


Business Analytics, 4+1

In Person

The 4+1 program allows students to complete both a BA and an MS in as little as five years. Students apply for the 4+1 program in their junior/senior year and can take graduate level courses while completing their BA.

Program Details

Catechetical Ministry


Catechetical Ministry, MCM

In PersonOnline

Inspire the next generation with the knowledge of Christ through the University of Dallas Master of Catechetical Ministry.The program combines theological and pastoral knowledge with practical application of catechetical principles and methods. Every student of catechetical ministry takes a set of core courses and courses focused specifically on the principles of religious education.

Program Details


Catechetical Ministry, Certificate

In PersonOnline

The graduate certificate in catechetical ministry is specifically designed for those who would like to serve as directors of adult formation, parish catechetical leaders, directors of children’s formation, directors of RCIA, or Catholic school teachers or administrators.

Program Details

Catholic School Leadership


Catholic School Leadership, MCSL

In Person

The University of Dallas Master of Catholic School Leadership is designed to prepare teachers for leadership in Catholic education. Students will graduate prepared for a career as an assistant principal, principal or president of a Catholic school, an associate superintendent or superintendent, or as a member of diocesan personnel who affect the various aspects of education (i.e. budget, curricula, development and school infrastructure, grants for a diocese or state).

Program Details


Catholic School Leadership, Certificate

In Person

The University of Dallas Catholic School Leadership Certificate is designed to prepare teachers for leadership in Catholic education. Students will graduate prepared for a career as an assistant principal, principal or president of a Catholic school, an associate superintendent or superintendent, or as a member of diocesan personnel who affect the various aspects of education (i.e. budget, curricula, development and school infrastructure, grants for a diocese or state).

Program Details

Catholic Teacher


Catholic Teacher, Certificate

In Person

The Catholic Teacher Certificate of the University of Dallas prepares students to meet the pedagogy requirements for teaching in Texas Catholic schools set by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops. The program comprises 18 credit hours and offers emphases in elementary or secondary education.

Program Details


Area of Interest

Ceramics, Department & Faculty

In Person

The ceramics degree exposes students to the theory of ceramics as art and craft with a firm background in ceramics history and technical and creative possibilities. The course structure allows students to utilize most forming techniques while investigating functional pottery and sculptural formats for personal expression. Students are given full access to a healthy and active studio community.

Program Details


Ceramics, BA

In Person

The ceramics degree exposes students to the theory of ceramics as art and craft with a firm background in ceramics history and technical and creative possibilities. The course structure allows students to utilize most forming techniques including handbuilding, wheel throwing, and mold making, while investigating functional pottery and sculptural formats for personal expression.

Program Details


Ceramics, MA

In Person

The ceramics programs emphasize material, technical and conceptual exploration while encouraging innovation and interdisciplinary experimentation. They are open to all independent, self-motivated students wishing to research aspects of ceramics, including the vessel, sculpture, utility and function, figure, architectural use, large or small scale, decorative and practical methods, and installation.

Program Details


Ceramics, MFA

In Person

The ceramics programs emphasize material, technical and conceptual exploration while encouraging innovation and interdisciplinary experimentation. They are open to all independent, self-motivated students wishing to research aspects of ceramics, including the vessel, sculpture, utility and function, figure, architectural use, large or small scale, decorative and practical methods, and installation. Ceramics students work with all art faculty members through seminars and courses, independent studies, one-on-one critiques, and group evaluations.

Program Details


Area of Interest

Chemistry, Department & Faculty

In Person

The rigorous chemistry program of the University of Dallas deals with the study of matter, its properties, its transformations and the factors underlying changes of these substances. Biochemistry expands these foundations of chemistry to understanding the molecules of living systems.

Program Details


Chemistry, BA

In Person

Students learn to perform and design chemical experiments by using modern instrumentation (including NMR, FT-IR, GC-MS, and HPLC) and computers in a well-equipped laboratory where they can observe chemical phenomena for themselves. Some examples of the scope of chemistry application at UD include: synthesis of polymers and drugs; analyses of foods; study of environmental hazards; and calculations of energy values of molecular orbitals.

Program Details


Chemistry, BS

In Person

UD’s rigorous Chemistry curriculum equips students to be professional practitioners of science with problem solving skills to understand the natural world and prepares them for success in diverse careers in research, industry, education, and beyond. The BS degree requires students to participate in the practice of science with undergraduate research experiences that connect them with the mission of professional science: “to understand the world and to extend the precision and scope with which it has been ordered” (Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions)

Program Details

Christian Contemplative Tradition


Christian Contemplative Tradition, Concentration

In Person

The Christian contemplative tradition concentration consists of four courses (12 credit hours) approved by the director. Of these, two must belong to the cycle of courses dealing with the history of spirituality, i.e., Patristic Theology and Spirituality, Medieval Spirituality, and Modern Spirituality.

Program Details

Classical Education

Area of Interest

Classical Education, Department & Faculty

In Person

By providing foundations in classical principles and pedagogy, the classical education concentration aspires to form educators as master teachers. Students in the program explore the historical, philosophic, literary, aesthetic, rhetorical and scientific roots of the liberal arts in the Western tradition.

Program Details


Classical Education, Concentration

In Person

By providing foundations in classical principles and pedagogy, the classical education concentration aspires to form educators as master teachers. Students in the program explore the historical, philosophic, literary, aesthetic, rhetorical and scientific roots of the liberal arts in the Western tradition.

Program Details


Classical Education, Certificate

In Person

By providing foundations in classical principles and pedagogy, the classical education certificate aspires to form educators as master teachers. Students in the program explore the historical, philosophic, literary, aesthetic, rhetorical and scientific roots of the liberal arts in the Western tradition.

Program Details

Classical Philology


Classical Philology, BA

In Person

The classical philology degree enables students to explore the literature and scholarship of Greco-Roman antiquity. Students acquire advanced proficiency in Latin and Greek as well as reading knowledge of a modern language, preparing them for Classics PhD programs.

Program Details


Area of Interest

Classics, Department & Faculty

In Person

All UD classics majors make an especially close study of language itself, of its very architecture. This fact alone can bring a deep quiet joy; for all our lives, no matter what our work, language itself–which in our case means English, deepened and sharpened by knowledge of its two most illustrious ancient ancestors–is actually the lens, stereoscopic and finely adjustable, through which we perceive reality.

Program Details


Classics, BA

In Person

The classics degree provides students with the opportunity to study Greco-Roman antiquity through advanced courses in translation in fields such as history, literature, art and philosophy. Students also acquire advanced proficiency in Latin and Greek.

Program Details


Classics, 4+1

In Person

The 4+1 program allows students to complete both a BA and MA in Classics in as little as five years. Students apply for the 4+1 program in their junior/senior year and can take graduate level courses while completing their BA.

Program Details


Classics, MA

In Person

The MA in classics prepares postbaccalaureate students for doctoral study in the humanities, education careers, or any livelihood that values a familiarity with the past and an ability to work with fragmentary information.

Program Details

Comparative Literary Traditions

Area of Interest

Comparative Literary Traditions, Department & Faculty

In Person

Students learn to interpret and evaluate literary and cultural products from multiple origins and in languages other than their own. They are trained to present persuasive arguments, to master and use different theoretical and methodological tools, and to engage in dialog with scholarly voices both within the field of comparative literature and in other modern (and classical) language fields.

Program Details


Comparative Literary Traditions, BA

In Person

Students learn to interpret and evaluate literary and cultural products from multiple origins and in languages other than their own. They are trained to present persuasive arguments, to master and use different theoretical and methodological tools, and to engage in dialog with scholarly voices both within the field of comparative literature and in other modern (and classical) language fields.

Program Details


Comparative Literary Traditions, Concentration

In Person

Students learn to interpret and evaluate literary and cultural products from multiple origins and in languages other than their own. They are trained to present persuasive arguments, to master and use different theoretical and methodological tools, and to engage in dialog with scholarly voices both within the field of comparative literature and in other modern (and classical) language fields.

Program Details

Computer Science

Area of Interest

Computer Science, Department & Faculty

In Person

In computer science, students explore algorithms, programs and programming, and computational systems. The main goals of the discipline at UD are to build a systematic body of knowledge, theories and models that explains the properties of computational systems and to demonstrate how this body of knowledge can be used to produce solutions to real-world problems.

Program Details


Computer Science, BA

In Person

In computer science, students explore algorithms, programs and programming, and computational systems. The main goals of the discipline at UD are to build a systematic body of knowledge, theories and models that explains the properties of computational systems and to demonstrate how this body of knowledge can be used to produce solutions to real-world problems.

Program Details


Computer Science, BS

In Person

In computer science, students explore algorithms, programs and programming, and computational systems. The main goals of the discipline at UD are to build a systematic body of knowledge, theories and models that explains the properties of computational systems and to demonstrate how this body of knowledge can be used to produce solutions to real-world problems.

Program Details


Computer Science, Concentration

In Person

In computer science, students explore algorithms, programs and programming, and computational systems. The main goals of the discipline at UD are to build a systematic body of knowledge, theories and models that explains the properties of computational systems and to demonstrate how this body of knowledge can be used to produce solutions to real-world problems.

Program Details



Cybersecurity, 4+1


The Cybersecurity 4+1 program allows students to complete both a BA and an MS in as little as five years. Students apply for the 4+1 program in their junior/senior year and can take graduate level courses while completing their BA.

Program Details


Cybersecurity, MS


The MS in cybersecurity for cyber defense (CAE-CD) program of study is designed to offer students a real-world cybersecurity education taught by experienced industry professionals. The cybersecurity master’s program dives into the critical topics facing organizations today, including data protection, legal and compliance, programming, operational and strategic cybersecurity management, penetration testing, and digital forensics.

Program Details


Cybersecurity, Concentration


The MS in cybersecurity for cyber defense (CAE-CD) program of study is designed to offer students a real-world cybersecurity education taught by experienced industry professionals. The cybersecurity master’s program dives into the critical topics facing organizations today, including data protection, legal and compliance, programming, operational and strategic cybersecurity management, penetration testing, and digital forensics.

Program Details

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence


Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, MS


Designed for students with a technical degree or related technical work experience, the Data Science and AI program provides students with the tools and techniques required for analyzing and interpreting data and extracting insight to support ethical and sustainable business decisions in both domestic and global contexts.

Program Details



Divinity, MDiv

In Person

The Master of Divinity is the standard degree offered by Catholic seminaries and universities for the formation of candidates for ordination to the Roman Catholic priesthood. It is intended at the University of Dallas principally for the formation of the seminarians of Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Dallas.

Program Details


Area of Interest

Drama, Department & Faculty

In Person

Drama programs at UD serve as a foundation for graduate study, professional work in theater and mass media, a teaching career in either elementary or secondary education, or, by proper choice of electives, graduate work in foreign language, English literature, dramatic literature, journalism, communication or comparative literature.

Program Details


Drama, BA

In Person

Our rigorous Drama program offers individualized instruction from professors who are working professionals in the American theater. We produce plays from the repertoire of theater literature pulling from the most stimulating artists, forms, and visions from the world of drama. We create well-rounded theater artists through a broad education in the multiple disciplines of theater while still allowing for intense focus on a single discipline. Alums from our program have worked in every discipline at every level – from Broadway to TV and film.

Program Details


Drama, Concentration

In Person

Our rigorous Drama program offers individualized instruction from professors who are working professionals in the American theater. We produce plays from the repertoire of theater literature pulling from the most stimulating artists, forms, and visions from the world of drama. We create well-rounded theater artists through a broad education in the multiple disciplines of theater while still allowing for intense focus on a single discipline. Alums from our program have worked in every discipline at every level – from Broadway to TV and film.

Program Details


Area of Interest

Economics, Department & Faculty

In Person

Economics is the study of how human communities provide for their material needs and wants. We explore what motivates human action and thus the choices of individuals, firms, and policymakers regarding production, consumption, and allocation of scarse resources and output. Institutions, policy, and historical change in the local and global marketplace impact people's daily lives and so we also study the choices people make in their historical, social, environmental, and political contexts.

Program Details


Economics, BA

In Person

Economics is the study of how human communities provide for their material needs and wants. We explore what motivates human action and thus the choices of individuals, firms, and policymakers regarding production, consumption, and allocation of scarce resources and output. Institutions, policy, and historical change in the local and global marketplace impact people’s daily lives and so we also study the choices people make in their historical, social, environmental, and political contexts.

Program Details


Economics, BS

In Person

Economics is the study of how human communities provide for their material needs and wants. We explore what motivates human action and thus the choices of individuals, firms, and policymakers regarding production, consumption, and allocation of scarce resources and output. Institutions, policy, and historical change in the local and global marketplace impact people’s daily lives and so we also study the choices people make in their historical, social, environmental, and political contexts.

Program Details



Education, BA

In Person

The Education and Classical Learning Department aims to prepare students to teach in all types of schools. The BA in interdisciplinary studies provides sound academic and professional preparation with specific emphasis given to moral and ethical issues embedded in what it means to teach.

Program Details


Education, Concentration

In Person

The Education Concentration is designed to offer students, who are interested in teaching, opportunities to gain foundational knowledge, methodology, and practical experience in the field of education. Students in the concentration can focus on either elementary or secondary education.

Program Details



Engineering, BA

In Person

Students entering the University of Dallas as physics majors have the opportunity to pursue a cooperative degree in electrical engineering through the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) Electrical Engineering Department. The dual degree program is designed for the well-prepared student to be able to complete two degrees, a BA in physics from UD and an electrical engineering degree from UTA, in five years.

Program Details


Engineering, BS

In Person

The entrance requirements for this dual program with UTA are the same as the entrance requirements for a physics major at UD. Students must complete the physics comprehensive examination at the University of Dallas before obtaining a B.S. from UD.

Program Details


Engineering, 4+1

In Person

Students entering the University of Dallas as physics majors have the opportunity to pursue a cooperative degree in electrical engineering through the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) Electrical Engineering Department. The dual degree program is designed for the well-prepared student to be able to complete two degrees, a BA in physics from UD and an electrical engineering degree from UTA, in five years.

Program Details


Engineering, MS

In Person

Students entering the University of Dallas as physics majors have the opportunity to pursue a cooperative degree in electrical engineering through the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) Electrical Engineering Department. The dual degree program is designed for the well-prepared student to be able to complete two degrees, a BA in physics from UD and an electrical engineering degree from UTA, in five years.

Program Details


Engineering, MENGR

In Person

Physics students at the University of Dallas can earn two degrees: a BA degree in Physics from UD and a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) in an integrated program that can be completed in five years.

Program Details


Area of Interest

English, Department & Faculty

In Person

The undergraduate program in literature considers poetic approaches to truth in the Western tradition by cultivating the study of lyric, narrative, creative, and rhetorical arts. Students explore how the best of the poets – broadly understood – envision nature and human experience, and how to express such insights with clarity, precision, and elegance.

Program Details


English, BA

In Person

The program in literature provides a course of study in those authors who best exemplify the capacity of imagination to grasp truth. Teachers and students seek to learn what the best of the poets understand of nature and human experience.

Program Details


English, MA

In Person

Intended for those who wish to pursue the advanced study of literature in English within the context of the Western tradition, graduate students tailor a curriculum to gain excellent preparation for a career in teaching, higher education, journalism, law or business. The MA in English also prepares students to pursue a doctorate in any number of programs in the humanities.

Program Details


English, Masters

In Person

Intended for those who wish to pursue the advanced study of literature in English within the context of the Western tradition, graduate students tailor a curriculum to gain excellent preparation for a career in teaching, higher education, journalism, law or business. The MA in English also prepares students to pursue a doctorate in any number of programs in the humanities.

Program Details


English, 4+1

In Person

Building on the undergraduate literature program, this one-year MA in English offers advanced study of literature for those pursuing careers in teaching, higher education, journalism, law, or business. It also prepares students for doctoral study in English or other humanities programs. By taking two or more graduate courses while pursuing their four-year BA, students may complete the requirements for the MA degree in as little as a year.

Program Details

Environmental Science


Environmental Science, Concentration

In Person

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field that incorporates the study of problems caused by human use of the natural world with analysis of remedies for these problems through social, economic or political change. While incorporating information on natural processes, the field of environmental science also analyzes the role that technology plays in our society and its capacity to alter natural processes as well as solve problems.

Program Details



Ethics, Concentration

In Person

Building on a key course from the Core Curriculum (Philosophy and the Ethical Life), the Ethics Concentration is centered on the Philosophy Department’s upper-level course on Ethics. From this central point, students continue in a variety of directions, including applied ethics, moral theology, and political philosophy.

Program Details



Finance, 4+1

In Person

The Finance 4+1 program allows students to complete both a BA and an MS in as little as five years. Students apply for the 4+1 program in their junior/senior year and can take graduate level courses while completing their BA.

Program Details


Finance, MS

In Person

The University of Dallas’ MS finance program equips professionals with an intensive education in investments, corporate finance, accounting, business analytics, ethics and sustainability. Graduates of the master’s program are well prepared for careers in finance, including investment, security analysis and portfolio management, corporate financial management, and financial advising.

Program Details


Finance, Concentration

In Person

Students who complete the Finance concentration often pursue careers in areas such as financial analysis, investment banking, financial advising and operations analysis.

Program Details


Area of Interest

French, Department & Faculty

In Person

The study of French at UD combines the acquisition of language skills with a wide-ranging study of French culture. We look at France in the various stages of its development as the "eldest daughter of the Church," the child of Marianne, and a dynamic member of the transnational community of the 21st century.

Program Details


French, BA

In Person

The French Program equips students with advanced-level proficiency in French language and culture, enabling them to live and work in France upon graduation. Many of our graduates go on to teach English language in French public schools for a year through the French government's TAPIF program. After that, our students enjoy a wide range of careers including law, medicine, and business.

Program Details


French, Concentration

In Person

The study of French at UD combines the acquisition of language skills with a wide-ranging study of French culture. We look at France in the various stages of its development as the "eldest daughter of the Church," the child of Marianne, and a dynamic member of the transnational community of the 21st century.

Program Details


Area of Interest

German, Department & Faculty

In Person

We offer an academically challenging and energetic course of studies in German language, literature and culture. Those who learn German gain access to an important intellectual, economic and culturally historic area of Central Europe.

Program Details


German, BA

In Person

We offer an academically challenging and energetic course of studies in German language, literature and culture. Those who learn German gain access to an important intellectual, economic and culturally historic area of Central Europe.

Program Details


German, Concentration

In Person

We offer an academically challenging and energetic course of studies in German language, literature and culture. Those who learn German gain access to an important intellectual, economic and culturally historic area of Central Europe.

Program Details



Greek, Concentration

In Person

The concentration in Greek comprises four courses in Greek, one of which may be replaced by a theoretical course, such as Philosophy of Language.

Program Details


Area of Interest

History, Department & Faculty

In Person

The purpose of history is to seek knowledge of the truth about the human past and, through that study, understanding of human conduct. History is a subject particularly appropriate to the University of Dallas, which defines its purpose in terms of the renewal of the Western heritage of liberal learning and the recovery of the Christian intellectual tradition.

Program Details


History, BA

In Person

The purpose of history is to seek knowledge of the truth about the human past and, through that study, understanding of human conduct. History is a subject particularly appropriate to the University of Dallas, which defines its purpose in terms of the renewal of the Western heritage of liberal learning and the recovery of the Christian intellectual tradition.

Program Details

History of Western Thought


History of Western Thought, Concentration

In Person

The Concentration in the History of Western Thought takes the study of our intellectual and cultural heritage beyond what is possible in the Core Curriculum. It consists of three courses in the history of philosophy, plus two electives drawn from art, literature, history, mathematics, or the human and social sciences.

Program Details



Humanities, MA

In Person

Cultivate your knowledge of the great works in the tradition of Western thought through the MA in humanities. A wide range of graduate courses are offered by various departments with the intention of giving students the opportunity to pursue interests in different fields without committing to earning a degree in any one field alone, and to encourage the careful reading of a limited number of primary texts.

Program Details

Interdisciplinary Studies


Interdisciplinary Studies, BA

In Person

Within the Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor of Arts, the areas of emphasis correspond with certification frameworks in the State of Texas including: Early Childhood Generalist, Middle School English Language Arts and Reading, Middle School Social Studies, Middle School Mathematics, Middle School Science, Middle School English Language Arts & Middle School Reading/Social Studies, Middle School Mathematics/Science

Program Details

International Studies


International Studies, Concentration

In Person

The international studies concentration is designed particularly for those students majoring in politics, economics, history or modern languages, but students of other majors may concentrate in international studies as well. It provides an excellent foundation for those thinking of careers in the foreign service, international organizations, or international business.

Program Details


Area of Interest

Italian, Department & Faculty

In Person

The Italian programs at the University of Dallas are particularly applicable for students who choose to spend a semester of their sophomore year in Rome. By exploring the classic literature of Italy through modernity, students develop speaking, literacy and composition skills.

Program Details


Italian, BA

In Person

The Italian Program encompasses a discipline whose language, literature, and culture are among the primary sources of the Western intellectual tradition. By exploring the classic literature and ideas of Italy through modernity, students bridge the gap between the past and the present while developing skills in speaking, listening, grammar, culture, and writing. Italian is particularly applicable for students who choose to spend a semester of their sophomore year in Rome, and many graduates go on to teach in Italian high schools through the SITE Fellowship.

Program Details


Italian, Concentration

In Person

The Italian programs at the University of Dallas are particularly applicable for students who choose to spend a semester of their sophomore year in Rome. By exploring the classic literature of Italy through modernity, students develop speaking, literacy and composition skills.

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Journalism, Concentration

In Person

The journalism concentration provides an opportunity for students to gain an understanding of the role of the media in American society and to receive instruction in the basic skills needed to work in the field.

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Latin, Concentration

In Person

The concentration in Latin comprises four courses in Latin, one of which may be replaced by a theoretical course, such as Philosophy of Language.

Program Details

Latin American Studies


Latin American Studies, Concentration

In Person

A concentration in Latin American studies provides an opportunity for students to examine the Western and Catholic traditions in the context of Latin American peoples, literatures and histories. Topics covered by this concentration include Catholic social teaching, social justice, economic development, cultural forms of expression, public health, inter-American relations and immigration.

Program Details

Legal Studies


Legal Studies, Concentration

In Person

The broad liberal arts background students receive in Constantin College provides solid preparation for success in law school. By supplementing this background with opportunities to sharpen oral skills through participation in Moot Court, and to focus on applications of the law in wider contexts through the Legal Studies concentration, the Pre-Law at the University of Dallas allows interested students to deepen their understanding of the legal profession.

Program Details



Literature, PhD

In Person

Students concentrating in literature in the Institute of Philosophic Studies join teachers dedicated to grasping how, and what, verse can teach us about reality. Students learn to apprehend the form of literary art by attending to the qualities of poetic speech and by studying the kinds of poetry.

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Marketing, Concentration


The marketing concentration at the Gupta College of Business is designed for MBA students who wish to pursue a career in marketing by learning to combine the most important aspects of marketing strategy with marketing analytics.

Program Details

Master of Leadership


Master of Leadership, Concentration


Succeed as a leader, decision maker, and strategic thinker through the University of Dallas Master of Leadership program. Designed for aspiring leaders across various sectors including private industry, public enterprise, start-ups, schools and non-profits, the program will prepare you to guide with integrity and innovate with vision.

Program Details

Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering, 4+1

In Person

Chemistry or Physics B.S. students at the University of Dallas can get a Master of Science degree in Materials Science and Engineering within a year at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) by taking three graduate courses offered by UTA during their undergraduate career at University of Dallas, then subsequently taking seven graduate courses at UTA in their fifth year.

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Area of Interest

Mathematics, Department & Faculty

In Person

The discipline of mathematics is defined as much by its methodology as it is by its content. Indeed, it is this methodology which unifies the different areas of mathematics. The Department of Mathematics seeks to involve students at all levels in the thoughts and methods of mathematics in a creative, lively way.

Program Details


Mathematics, BA

In Person

Mathematical concepts have a profound influence on the world outside of mathematics. Equally important, the world external to mathematics has helped shape the discipline. It is important for majors to experience this interaction and to see the power and limitations of mathematics. Courses such as Calculus I, II, and III, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Probability, Statistics, Numerical Analysis, and Introduction to Computer Science as well as the physics requirement aid in the development of this perspective.

Program Details


Mathematics, BS

In Person

A major in mathematics opens many doors. Majors go on to graduate work in fields such as mathematics, computer science, statistics, physics, economics, or biology. They pursue careers in business, actuarial science, linguistics, medicine, law, and teaching.

Program Details

Medieval and Renaissance Studies


Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Concentration

In Person

The concentration in medieval and Renaissance studies investigates the shared enterprise of these two time periods: the attempt to forge a union out of the impressive remnants of ancient, but pagan, civilization and the living traditions of thought and piety associated with biblical (Jewish and Christian) religion.

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Metaphysics, Concentration

In Person

Building on a key course from the Core Curriculum, Philosophy of Being, the Concentration in Metaphysics is centered on the Philosophy Department’s upper-level course on Philosophy of God. Students approach this central point from a variety of directions, exploring the ways in which human experience, the light of faith, mathematics, and natural science contribute to the search for wisdom.

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Military Science (ROTC)


Military Science (ROTC), Concentration

In Person

The University of Dallas is proud to collaborate with the University of Texas at Arlington and the University of Northern Texas to give students the opportunity to compete for a commission as an officer in the United States Army or Air Force. The four-year ROTC curriculum develops the student’s leadership, managerial and organizational abilities. Leadership skills acquired through ROTC and the practical application of skills provided in the program transfer easily to civilian career goals. ROTC graduates traditionally enter industrial and business career fields with a significant competitive edge.

Program Details

Modern Languages

Area of Interest

Modern Languages, Department & Faculty

In Person

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures boasts five different majors: French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Comparative Literature. With a modern language and its attendant literature, culture, and history, you can bridge the gap between the ancient and the modern. By reading the great works of the Western intellectual tradition in their original languages, you draw yourself more closely to the ideas and the sources of textual wisdom that make us human.

Program Details

Molecular Biology


Molecular Biology, Concentration

In Person

Molecular biology is an interdisciplinary science incorporating the study of cell biology, genetics and biochemistry. The field relies on fundamental tenets of recombinant DNA technology that allow genes to be isolated, characterized and expressed in organisms that may be completely unrelated. The concentration in molecular biology is designed to provide the essential background knowledge and hands-on experience required to master this rapidly advancing discipline.

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Music, Concentration

In Person

The Music Concentration integrates a rigorous study of music within the liberal arts education. The program emphasizes both the technical and expressive aspects of music, encouraging students to explore their musical talents while also understanding music's role in cultural and spiritual contexts. Students benefit from mentorship with UD music faculty and a supportive community, fostering artistic, academic and personal growth.

Program Details


Dual Degree

Nursing, Dual Degree

In Person

Biology students at the University of Dallas can earn two degrees: a BA degree in Biology from UD and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree from Texas Women's University in an integrated program that can be completed in five years.

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Area of Interest

Painting, Department & Faculty

In Person

The painting program offers students the opportunity to engage in contemporary practices and directions in painting through intensive studio experience. Skills are developed in various painting techniques and materials to address the relationship between form and content.

Program Details


Painting, BA

In Person

The painting program provides students with the opportunity to engage in contemporary practices and directions in painting through intensive studio experience. Skills are developed in various painting techniques and materials to address the relationship between form and content.

Program Details


Painting, MA

In Person

The graduate program in painting requires that the artist possess a strong sense of direction in his or her work. The image, idea, method or process is a concerted pursuit of form in service of content. Whether representational, abstract, dimensional or digital, the key is to find the best means for realizing one’s vision. Graduate painters forge connections to creative communities beyond the university through department exhibition programming, visiting artist lectures and critiques, and trips to area art institutions.

Program Details


Painting, MFA

In Person

The graduate program in painting requires that the artist possess a strong sense of direction in his or her work. The image, idea, method or process is a concerted pursuit of form in service of content. Whether representational, abstract, dimensional or digital, the key is to find the best means for realizing one’s vision. Graduate painters forge connections to creative communities beyond the university through department exhibition programming, visiting artist lectures and critiques, and trips to area art institutions.

Program Details

Pastoral Ministry


Pastoral Ministry, MPM

In PersonOnline

The master’s degree in pastoral ministry is designed to equip those who wish to serve in parishes, dioceses or other ministerial settings with in-depth theological knowledge and effective pastoral skills.

Program Details


Pastoral Ministry, Concentration

In Person

The concentration in pastoral ministry is designed to provide tools for pastoral ministry and practical experience in serving the church. The concentration is available to all UD undergraduates with the exception of pastoral ministry majors.

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Area of Interest

Philosophy, Department & Faculty

In Person

At the University of Dallas, our core courses on ethics, the human person, and being shape a conversation animated by the conviction that as rational, we humans are capable of truth, goodness, and beauty. This conversation takes its bearing from the fact that things are intelligible, that they fulfill us, and that their existence points beyond themselves to God.

Program Details


Philosophy, BA

In Person

The undergraduate major in philosophy begins in the Core Curriculum, and then traces the quest for wisdom from ancient Greece to the present. It culminates in advanced courses on Ethics and Philosophy of God. Along the way, students cultivate the essential skills of professional life: close reading, reasoned conversation, and clear, precise writing and public speaking.

Program Details


Philosophy, 4+1

In Person

The 4+1 program allows students to complete both a BA and MA in Philosophy in as little as five years. Through the master’s programs in philosophy, students who have completed their undergraduate studies have the opportunity to spend an additional year in pursuit of wisdom, while honing the essential skills of professional life. With four different paths to a degree, requirements can be tailored to the needs of each student.

Program Details


Philosophy, MA

In Person

Through the master’s programs in philosophy, students who have completed their undergraduate studies have the opportunity to spend an additional year or two in pursuit of wisdom, while honing the essential skills of professional life. With four different paths to a degree, requirements can be tailored to the needs of each student.

Program Details


Philosophy, MPhil

In Person

Through the master’s programs in philosophy, students who have completed their undergraduate studies have the opportunity to spend an additional year or two in pursuit of wisdom, while honing the essential skills of professional life. With four different paths to a degree, requirements can be tailored to the needs of each student.

Program Details


Philosophy, PhD

In Person

The doctoral program in philosophy serves students who aspire to make philosophy a lifelong pursuit through teaching. Our students’ unique, interdisciplinary training in the Institute of Philosophic Studies makes them exceptionally well qualified to teach in colleges and schools that value a liberal education.

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Area of Interest

Physics, Department & Faculty

In Person

Students who choose to major or concentrate in physics take courses that prepare them for graduate studies, teaching, medical school and industry careers. The low student-to-faculty ratio means students are offered many opportunities to interact with professors in courses, laboratories and research.

Program Details


Physics, BA

In Person

Students who choose to major or concentrate in physics take courses that prepare them for graduate studies, teaching, medical school and industry careers. The low student-to-faculty ratio means students are offered many opportunities to interact with professors in courses, laboratories and research.

Program Details


Physics, BS

In Person

Students that select to pursue a BS in Physics enjoy the additional electives in various cutting edge fields of physics. They also benefit from the required research experience, thesis and presentation at the Texas Section American Physical Society meeting or similar field specific meeting. These research experiences recently involve faculty at UD, other universities across the US, national labs and international collaborations, as well.

Program Details

Political Philosophy


Political Philosophy, Concentration

In Person

The general study of politics at the University of Dallas begins with political principles and examines the real political processes of modern governments. The concentration in political philosophy focuses primarily on the former, preparing students to gain a critical understanding of political thought through the study of classic and contemporary thinkers and texts.

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Area of Interest

Politics, Department & Faculty

In Person

Founded by the nationally renowned scholar Willmoore Kendall, the Politics Program has gained national acclaim for teaching excellence and for a commitment to forming broadly educated citizens and scholars. Our graduates have gone on to teach at leading colleges and universities, to clerk for justices of the Supreme Court, and to hold high positions in presidential administrations.

Program Details


Politics, BA

In Person

The Politics program at the University of Dallas combines the study of timeless classics of Western political thought with rigorous exploration of contemporary American politics and international affairs. We focus on the great themes and issues of political thought and experience: justice, equality, liberty, morality, religion, and human nature. Through a curriculum that ranges from the Greek polis, through the great Catholic thinkers of the Middle Ages, to the politics of contemporary liberal democracies, we challenge each student to master the most rewarding political works of the Western tradition and the American experiment in self-government.

Program Details


Politics, 4+1

In Person

The 4+1 program allows students to complete both a BA and MA in Politics in as little as five years. Students apply for the 4+1 program in their junior/senior year and can take graduate level courses while completing their BA. Politics programs at the University of Dallas combine the study of timeless classics of Western political thought with rigorous exploration of contemporary American politics and international affairs. Students focus on the great themes and issues of political thought and experience: justice, equality, liberty, morality, religion and human nature.

Program Details


Politics, MA

In Person

Politics programs at the University of Dallas combine the study of timeless classics of Western political thought with rigorous exploration of contemporary American politics and international affairs. Students focus on the great themes and issues of political thought and experience: justice, equality, liberty, morality, religion and human nature.

Program Details


Politics, PhD

In Person

The aim of the politics PhD is to help form students who will be able to bring to the perennial political questions an understanding shaped by the centuries of discourse on such questions. Our graduates have gone on to teach at leading colleges and universities, clerk for justices of the Supreme Court, draft historic law, and hold high positions in presidential administrations.

Program Details


Area of Interest

Pre-Law, Program

In Person

The broad liberal arts background offered in Constantin College provides solid preparation for success in law school. By supplementing this background with opportunities to sharpen oral skills through participation in Moot Court, and to focus on applications of the law in wider contexts through the legal studies concentration, the pre-law program allows interested students to deepen their understanding of the legal profession.

Program Details


Area of Interest

Pre-Medical, Program

In Person

The University of Dallas enjoys a long, successful history of preparing students for the medical field, consistently launching over 80% of pre-medical students to postbaccalaureate programs within six months of graduation yearly. In the pre-medical concentration at the University of Dallas, students can take advantage of the ample research opportunities in the natural sciences that form the basis of medicine.

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Area of Interest

Printmaking, Department & Faculty

In Person

The undergraduate printmaking degree prepares students for working artistry through art history courses and practical studio work. Studio facilities enable students to make intaglios, lithographs, relief prints and screen prints, and to learn photographic printmaking processes and hand paper making.

Program Details


Printmaking, BA

In Person

The printmaking program offers a technical and conceptual introduction to contemporary printmaking as a mode of artistic expression. The studio is equipped for all forms of traditional printmaking, including intaglio (etching, engraving, and drypoint), lithography, silkscreen, relief (woodblock and linocut), as well as hand papermaking, digital and photo processes.

Program Details


Printmaking, MA

In Person

The University of Dallas offers a practical and conceptual introduction to contemporary printmaking as a mode of artistic expression and a guided development of a student's ability toward a personal expression. Studio facilities enable students to make intaglios, lithographs, relief prints and screen prints, and to learn photographic printmaking processes and hand paper-making.

Program Details


Printmaking, MFA

In Person

Printmaking is not a way of making multiple paintings or drawings. Ideas and images should be explored and presented in their best visual form. Process only informs imagery. The term Master of Fine Arts can be taken literally. Students of the graduate program have found some interaction between image and process. They are growing into artist-printmakers. Technical virtuosity is not necessary, and we have no (real) prejudices against vegetarians or heavy-metal fans.

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Area of Interest

Psychology, Department & Faculty

In Person

Active research and writing is expected of students; original reflection is as important as detailed scholarship. Research seminars during the junior and senior years provide the occasions for students and faculty to work together in close association.

Program Details


Psychology, BA

In Person

The BA in psychology is shaped by the concept of psychology as a liberal art as well as a rigorous science. To this end, it is engaged in the enterprise of questioning and rethinking the discipline of psychology. Such a broad and deep understanding of psychology places into perspective the value and limits of views that claim that psychology is the study of mind, or the science of behavior, or the interaction of mind and body, or the personal growth and enrichment of the person.

Program Details


Psychology, 4+1

In Person

The 4+1 program allows students to complete both a BA and an MPsy in Psychology in as little as five years. Students apply for the 4+1 program in their junior/senior year and can take graduate level courses while completing their BA. The graduate psychology program at the University of Dallas is devoted to the recovery of some of the great traditions in 20th-century psychology often lost in the shuffle of current day clinical and research-oriented programs. Rooted in humanistic, psychodynamic and phenomenological traditions, the department emphasizes critical thinking about the theoretical and epistemological foundations of psychology.

Program Details


Psychology, MPsy

In Person

The graduate psychology program at the University of Dallas is devoted to the recovery of some of the great traditions in 20th-century psychology often lost in the shuffle of current day clinical and research-oriented programs. Rooted in humanistic, psychodynamic and phenomenological traditions, the department emphasizes critical thinking about the theoretical and epistemological foundations of psychology.

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Pure Mathematics


Pure Mathematics, Concentration

In Person

The pure mathematics concentration provides a coherent set of courses for students interested in mathematics, short of a major, in areas distinct from those of applied mathematics.

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Sacred Music


Sacred Music, Concentration

In Person

The Sacred Music Concentration includes a two-semester supervised Sacred Music Practicum at the Church of the Incarnation, planned with the student, Campus Ministry and the Music Department Director.

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Area of Interest

Sculpture, Department & Faculty

In Person

Undergraduate students of sculpture at the University of Dallas study three-dimensional expression through a variety of contemporary approaches. Both practical and conceptual growth of self-expression takes place through the direct use of diverse sculptural materials and techniques, including bronze, fabricated metal, stone, wood and found objects.

Program Details


Sculpture, BA

In Person

Undergraduate students of sculpture at the University of Dallas study three-dimensional expression through a variety of contemporary approaches. Both practical and conceptual growth of self-expression takes place through the direct use of diverse sculptural materials and techniques, including bronze, fabricated metal, stone, wood and found objects.

Program Details


Sculpture, MA

In Person

Sculpture at the University of Dallas allows for concentrated study over an extended period of time under personal and intensive guidance of the graduate Art faculty and with an assigned major professor. Students and faculty members are engaged in critical interaction through studio critiques and a formal review. The purpose of the program is to present students with theoretical and practical knowledge to make art approaching professional quality.

Program Details


Sculpture, MFA

In Person

Sculpture at the University of Dallas, although not materially specific, revolves around the realization of ideas through material manipulation. With studio space connected directly to well-equipped shops, students are provided with the means to develop a command of a chosen medium and produce professional works of art ready for display.

Program Details



Spanish, BA

In Person

UD’s Spanish degree offers an in-depth study of the rich cultural, historical, literary, and artistic representations of Spain and Latin America. The Spanish program celebrates the cultural achievements aligned with the traditions of Western history and culture. The Spanish degree offers an interdisciplinary approach to Hispanidad through courses in Spanish language, literature, and translation. In addition, Spanish majors and concentrators have the opportunity to participate in programs abroad in Ávila, Spain and Cartago, Costa Rica.

Program Details


Spanish, Concentration

In Person

Language classes at UD aim at the acquisition of the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. UD’s Spanish concentration celebrates the splendor of the Hispanic world, of Hispanidad, concentrating on the grand, the heroic, the poetic, the creative, the artistic, the holy, the stoic and other admirable facets of the legacy and contemporary reality of Spain and Spanish America.

Program Details

Strategic Leadership


Strategic Leadership, Concentration


MBA students in the Gupta College of Business may concentrate in strategic leadership by combining required coursework in finance, marketing and other practical basics with select courses in leadership. The MBA with a concentration in strategic leadership is a 39 credit-hour program. This concentration is designed specifically for those who desire to lead virtuously while refining the necessary skills to become a truly effective global business leader.

Program Details



Teaching, 4+1

In Person

University of Dallas undergraduate students can get a head start on their master of arts degree from the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts by taking graduate-level courses in their senior year to fulfill some of the requirements for the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. This program is designed so that students can complete both their undergraduate and graduate degree in just five years. MAT students can earn Texas teacher certification through the program, and they are not required to major in education as undergraduates.

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Area of Interest

Theology, Department & Faculty

In Person

Theology is "faith seeking understanding." Theology programs at the University of Dallas strive to faithfully heed and articulate the message of the Word of God. Students explore Scripture, the history of Christian doctrine, systematic theology and moral theology.

Program Details


Theology, BA

In Person

Theology is the study of God and His works insofar as God has communicated these truths through Divine Revelation (Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition). Theologians employ reason as illuminated by faith in order better to fathom God’s revelation. They do so in fidelity to the perennial teachings and Magisterium of the Church. More than an essential discipline in the liberal arts, theology has a higher and more comprehensive aim. It fosters an ultimate unity in our understanding and helps us, as no purely human discipline can, to see and fulfill the meaning of human existence. There are four interrelated sub-disciplines in this field: biblical, historical, systematic, and moral. Majors and Graduate Students acquire and practice the theological habitus (skillsets) of thought, argument, and expression concerning the splendor of divine truth.

Program Details


Theology, Concentration

In Person

The Concentration in Theology offers students of other majors an opportunity, beyond the core curriculum, to pursue a focused and structured course of study in theology in conversation with their own major.

Program Details


Theology, MA

In Person

The MA in theology at the University of Dallas explores the masters of the Catholic Tradition with intellectual rigor and enthusiastic orthodoxy. Students plumb the depths of Scripture, trace dogmatic and theological developments, and explore the true path to virtue, holiness and happiness with God.

Program Details


Theology, 4+1

In Person

The 4+1 allows UD undergrads (of any major) an opportunity to expedite a graduate degree in Theology. The MA and MTh in theology at the University of Dallas explore the masters of the Catholic Tradition with intellectual rigor and enthusiastic orthodoxy. Students plumb the depths of Scripture, trace dogmatic and theological developments, and explore the true path to virtue, holiness and happiness with God.

Program Details


Theology, MTh

In Person

The MTh in theology at the University of Dallas explores the masters of the Catholic Tradition with intellectual rigor and enthusiastic orthodoxy. Some background in philosophy and a minimum of nine undergraduate credits in philosophy for the M.A. applicants is required. A sufficiently strong background in theology, preferably an undergraduate theology major, is required.

Program Details

Theological Studies (for Ministry)


Theological Studies (for Ministry), MTS

In PersonOnline

Reflect on theological questions through the lens of pastoral ministry with the University of Dallas Master of Theological Studies.

Program Details

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